
August 6, 2020
Voice Assistant

Data Breach

How Businesses Can Prepare For The Coming Iot Surge

The brave new world is here and much of it presents IT security challenges that aren’t for the faint of heart. There will be 75 billion Internet of Things (IoT) connected devices online by 2025. This will impact everything from connected cars, home security...
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July 9, 2020
Person typing on keyboard

Data Breach

How Crypto-Agile Is Your Organization?

Cryptographic agility (crypto-agility) is the new imperative for CIOs. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) calls crypto-agility the new imperative for the quantum computing era. The idea of agility in...
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May 7, 2020
Facebook bot

Data Breach

Malicious Bot Activity Continues To Rise As Employees Work From Home

As more employees continue to work from home, bots are becoming far more prevalent. Social media outlets have been fighting bots for some time, with Facebook shutting down more than 5.4 billion fake accounts in 2019 alone. Although the danger of bots...
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April 9, 2020

Data Breach

Why Covid-19 Phishing Criminals Love Machine Learning (Ml)

Millions of employees working from home—combined with enterprise security policies that over-rely on machine learning (ML)—are creating a recipe for disaster. Google reported 18 million COVID-19 related malware and phishing emails just last week alone...
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February 6, 2020

Data Breach

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA): What You Need To Know

Only 46% of employees in the United States had heard of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Assembly Bill (AB) 375 as of mid-2019, according to the Eye on Privacy Report. That percentage is unnerving, considering the CCPA could have...
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December 5, 2019
Person on cell phone

Data Breach

Reflecting On 2019: Blockchain, AI, Machine Learning, Cryptojacking, And More

Today, nearly double the number of Internet-connected devices are in use compared to just 5 years ago. 2019 has been a year filled with new cybersecurity risks and developments, and with 26 billion Internet of Things (IoT) devices with a net worth of almost...
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