
September 26, 2019

Social Engineering

History Matters: Cyber Attacks From The 1970S

It all began circa 1957, when a seven-year-old boy named Joe Engressia stumbled upon what would one day become a widespread threat to the phone system. When Engressia whistled into his telephone with perfect pitch at a frequency of 2600 Hz...
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August 22, 2019
Cyber attack

Social Engineering

History Matters: Cyber Attacks From The 1960S

For some, the history of cyber-attacks might live in their minds as scenes from movies from as far back as Tron or Matthew Broderick in War Games. But in the real-world timeline of attacks in the digital sphere...
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June 27, 2019
Cyber attack

Social Engineering

Why Breaches Are Becoming More Difficult To Defeat

Survey after survey of cybersecurity and IT professionals echo the fact that breaches are becoming more difficult to defeat, digital risk management is ever-trickier, and the cyberthreat landscape is growing...
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June 13, 2019
Internet of Things

Social Engineering

How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Is Helping Cyber-Criminals

Artificial intelligence (AI) is already changing the digital world, with Internet of Things (IoT) and operational technology (OT) devices flooding homes, workplaces, and nearly every aspect of daily life...
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April 11, 2019
Business Executive

Social Engineering

5 Ways To Shield Executives From Whaling Attacks

In 2015, the CEO of an Austrian aircraft parts manufacturer was dismissed after he fell victim to a whaling attack that cost the company €40.9 (approx. $50 million at the time). Although whaling attacks aren’t new...
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February 14, 2019
Person typing on keyboard

Social Engineering

Don't Be Fooled By Padlocks And SSL Certificates

If you check for the green padlock symbol in your browser to ensure you’re accessing a safe and legitimate site, you’re not alone. According to a 2018 PhishLabs survey, more than 80% of those surveyed...
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